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Women’s Month! Endometriosis/Natural oils/ Femme🌸Layering combos💎National Fragrance week!

Updated: May 24

Today we have a bit of a jam packed blog!

We’re nearing the end of March which has been a super substantial month in the acknowledgment of womanhood.

This month we celebrate women’s history month, and celebrated international women’s day and Mother’s Day. March is also Endometriosis awareness month which is something very close to my heart.

Endometriosis is a chronic health condition which shockingly so many people still have never heard of.

March is an important month to acknowledge, celebrate and honour womanhood, femininity and to bring awareness to this life altering condition only experienced by women (and those assigned female at birth.)

In YT episode 2 (The Origin Story - YouTube video) I’ve talked about my journey with scent and how it was actually after my very own endometriosis surgery and during my healing journey that I found myself utilising scent as a tool therapeutically to self soothe and to aid in helping me find relaxation, and calm amidst dealing with the effects of chronic pain (which is something I contend with every single day.)

I've of course always had a deep passion for scent and an unwavering love for fragrance but It was this obsession paired with my chronic pain journey which fueled me into exploring deeper into the world of scent therapy and fragrance creation.

It was this precise experience which really sparked and ignited my desire to delve deeper into scent and to intertwine this with my musical compositions which serve as muses for my Perfumes. Interchangeably the fragrances also serve as muses for my musical creations and it was all of these components cumulatively which led me to incepting the birth of Sense'N'

You can find out more about how I became inspired to create Sense'N' from blog #1 my Origins story.

To begin with I want to briefly highlight what endometriosis is. I won’t delve into my personal story and journey with Endometriosis in this blog post but if that’s something you’d like me to delve into let me know in the blog comments.

Endometriosis is a condition which can be debilitating for a number of women and I happen to be one of them.

It is a very misunderstood disease which effects every single person who has it differently it’s utterly unique in that aspect. Endometriosis is a common chronic inflammatory condition where tissue similar to but not the same as the endometrium is found growing in other areas throughout the body. 

These areas can include the bowels, bladder, Fallopian tubes, ovaries and even extend to the diaphragm, lungs and the brain. In fact endometriosis has been found on every organ in the human body.

Endometriosis deposits cause a chronic inflammatory reaction within the body that can lead to debilitating pain and adhesions forming.

Some people experience enhanced pain around ovulation and their periods, whereas others experience no pain at all

Everyone’s experience with endometriosis is different which is also what makes this condition so misunderstood. Some people think it’s just painful periods but in fact for some this condition can cause pain everyday!

In its more severe form endometriosis pain has been likened to high intensity labour pain (for some perspective)

it’s been described as a feeling of barbed wire wrapped around your organs penetrating through.

Stabbing knife like pains, Nerve pain & constant dull aches

It’s important to mention that the extent of the disease isn’t necessarily correlated to the magnitude of Pain so for instance, someone could have quite mild or moderate disease and suffer with excruciating pain; alternatively someone could have extensive disease and have no pain symptoms at all.

Some women experience infertility with endometriosis and some don’t have any problems conceiving at all

Just some of the symptoms of Endometriosis include:

* Abnormally painful periods

* Abdominal pelvic, leg & back pain

* Pain during or after intercourse

* Infertility

* Painful bowel & bladder movements

* Excessive fatigue

* Bloating & digestive issues

* Excessive bleeding and abnormally heavy periods

* Depression & anxiety

so it is certainly not a (one size) condition and is one that deserves so much more awareness and needs more education

As I mentioned at the start I've utilised scent therapeutically to find calmness and balance and solace particularly throughout my healing journey and through the creation of Sense’N’ by Sherif.

I enjoy encompassing naturals within my fragrance compositions and channeling the power of scent to enhance well-being and create unique experiences for its wearers.

Essential oils and naturals have extensive health benefits and soothing properties so in the spirit of that:

I want to highlight a few of the natural materials I chose to include in the creation and composition of Venus, not only for their olfactive beauty and aromas but also for their natural benefits, energy and therapeutic, healing and self care effects.

The first ingredient I'm spotlighting: Bergamot - Citrus bergamia, which was sourced from the southwest region of Italy (Calabria)

Bergamot is one of my favorite citrus oils to enjoy in the diffuser and to mindfully use in topical applications. I find the scent to be divine.

It is typically a top note in perfumery.

The aroma of Bergamot Essential Oil is reminiscent to that of Orange Oil, but to me it is wonderfully more complex. It almost seems to possess a floral herby characteristic to it, most likely due to its composition of the Ester Linalyl Acetate (which is also present in Lavender essential oil.) This Ester is known to produce a calming relaxing effect.

Lovers of Early Gray tea are especially familiar with the flavor and aroma of bergamot as the rind is used to flavour the tea.

Bergamot Essential Oil may be helpful when used mindfully during periods of depression, or low mood. It’s also known for its ability to help combat oily skin and acne, however, it must be used very carefully on the skin.

Cold pressed Bergamot Essential Oil is highly phototoxic, and it must be avoided when exposed to the sun or UV rays. Bergaptene is the naturally occurring constituent found in cold pressed Bergamot which makes it phototoxic so varieties of furocoumarin-free (FCF) or Bergaptene free (BF) bergamot are best to use within skin application products and is what was used in Venus.

Bergamot Essential Oil Benefits and Uses

• Acne

• Abscesses

• Anxiety

• Cystitis

• Depression

• Itching

• Loss of Appetite

• Oily Skin

• Psoriasis

• Stress

Next ingredient is Pink pepper! A spicy sensual ingredient which I simply adore.

it is great for helping to relax the nervous system. It’s calming and has a pleasantly spicy and fruity aroma from the Molle tree. Pink pepper is suprisingly more closely related to the cashew and pistachio family than the black pepper corn.

The Pink Pepper tree is considered a sacred tree by the ancient Inca’s and its fruit has been used for herbal needs, healthy metabolism and immune system,

Peruvian pepper - Schinus molle

The aroma of Pink Peppercorn Essential Oil is reminiscent of the freshly ground pink peppercorns, but it has a somewhat more complex and slightly fruitier/floral aroma. Compared to Black Pepper Oil, Pink Pepper Oil is more pungent in aroma and aromatically Pink Peppercorn Essential Oil has a fresh, peppery, slightly rosy and in my opinion sensual aroma.

It really helps to perk up and add heat and spice to your blends.

It is a top to middle note and can help to marry together fleeting top notes and heavy base notes. Pink Pepper Oil blends well with most other essential oils including other spice oils, citrus, woods and floral oils.

Emotionally, Pink Peppercorn Essential Oil acts as a stimulant and is a good choice for inclusion in blends intended to help enhance alertness and stamina. The Pink pepper note features In the opening of VENUS, together with bergamot and coconut cream it gives an invigorating, alluring yet uplifting first impression for the fragrance.

Pink Peppercorn Essential Oil Benefits and Uses include for

• Arthritis

• Muscular Aches/Stiffness

• Circulation

• Sprains

• Antiseptic

• Antiviral

• Stimulant

• Pink pepper is said to have a relaxing and calming effect

• Digestion IBS

• circulation

The third ingredient I'm highlighting is: Labdanum absolute

it is an intriguingly complex, rich balsamic material that is well suited for use as a fixative in natural perfumery and fragrance applications. It blends well with a number of other oils especially those in the wood, spice and floral families.

Emotionally, I find Labdanum (the resin) and Cistus (The essential Oil) to be highly grounding and balancing. Spiritually, I can see it being helpful during moments of prayer and meditation.

It is also widely used in aromatherapy treatment to help boost up the mood and relieve anxiety, stress and depression. Labdanum oil can be diffused and used at home or inhaled directly to uplift the mood and control your anxiety. It can also be used to effectively deal with anger and mood swings

The absolute in comparison to the cistus oil is much thicker in consistency. The solvent extraction process used to create the absolute is able to capture more of the heavier aromatic molecules than can be captured during steam distillation. To me, the aroma of the absolute is sweeter, deeper and much more balsamic in its richness.

One of my favourite Labdanum absolutes I use is characteristically woody, earthy a little leathery and has hues of honey and chocolate.

I love working with the absolute for perfumery applications, and I also find myself using it for emotional reflection. Personally, I find that it gives me a sense of gentle strength while providing a sense of grounding and balance. Everyone is different in how essential oils impact them emotionally.

Labdanum absolute and essential oil benefits and uses:

• Antiseptic

• Anti-microbial A substance that kills microorganisms such as bacteria or mold, or stops them from growing.

• Astringent dry out access oil reduce acne

• Emmenagogue stimulates blood flow to pelvis helps regulate menstruation

• Expectorant clears mucus from airways

• Sedative

• Vulnerary a vulnerary remedy healing if wounds

Cistus Essential Oil is also known as Labdanum Oil or Rock Rose Oil.

Our final star natural material is: Benzoin

Styrax Benzoin possesses a sweet, warming, rich, vanilla-like aroma with resinous undertones. It is derived from the resin of the Styrax Benzoin tree.

Styrax Benzoin Resin has traditionally been a stunning material used often within spiritual practice. More generally, it is burned for purification. Frankincense resin is found in trees in the Middle East and North Africa, where it gathers energy from the hot desert sun and is thought to eliminate negativity

It was considered a form of Frankincense some 700 years ago. The resin normally is available in chunks or can be powderized just prior to use. For aromatherapy, the hard resinous material is solvent extracted to create a thick, sticky absolute.

Emotionally, Styrax Benzoin Absolute is calming and grounding. It's been used within spiritual practice, offerings and prayer and within insense applications.

Stryax Benzoin blend well with other resinous oils like Frankincense or Myrrh. It also blends well with wood oils like Sandalwood and Cedarwood. It marries well with a hint of Vetiver and/or Patchouli. With its vanilla-like character, Styrax Benzoin has a special affinity for use with citrus essential oils. I especially like it with characteristically "orange" oils that include Sweet Orange, Mandarin and Bergamot.

Styrax Benzoin Resin Benefits and Uses

• Arthritis

• Bronchitis

• Chapped Skin

• Coughing

• Laryngitis

• Stress

All of these beautiful naturals bring something unique, meaningful and soothing to my soon to be released fragrance VENUS.

Watch the full video in Part 1below:

The celebration of feminine energy connects so much to the spirit of my fragrance Venus

Venus represents feminine energy, beauty, vulnerability, power, softness and strength.

In Part 2 I have a video in appreciation of women’s month where I’m bringing to you an array of Feminine layering combinations which perfectly complement Venus💖✨

This fits in perfectly with the fact that we are also in National Fragrance Week and March 21st was international Fragrance day!

What a month March has given us celebrating and bringing to awareness some of the most important things for me.

In part 2 I explore the following:

Feminine Energy Layering vibes:

🌸Light Femme/ Soft girl combo

🌹Dark Femme/ Sultry combo

🌻Nurturing Feminine/ Clean aesthetic

🌺🌷Ultimate Femme/ Fun fruity flirty

The art of layering scents is something I find to be a natural part of my daily and fragrancing rituals.

It is a wonderful way to find and connect to your own truly unique and personal olfactory experiences and is closely connected to my cultural roots as fragrance layering has for ever been a unique aspect of Omani fragrance culture.

Fragrances mentioned:

🩷Yara ~ Lataffa (Ard Al Zafaraan)

🖤Bint Horaan ~ (Ard Al Zafaraan)

🩵Petits et Maman ~ Bvlgari

🧡Eden Sparkling Lychee ~ Kayali

❤️Pomegranate Musk ~ Ithra Dubai

💖Venus ~ Sense ‘N’ by Sherif

YARA with VENUS is giving a fruity gourmand compote like creamy musky vanilla.

Light and airy with top notes which consist of coconut, heliotrope as well as Tangerine and Bergamot across both fragrances which adds a fresh zest on initial spritz which melts into a veil of floral deepening into a creamy musky resinous vanilla. Soft girl floral, fruity airy vanilla and powdery. The perfect light feminine scent 🌸

Bint Horan with VENUS is giving spicy warm floral amber with a buttery warm almond note which is more sweet than nutty and a gourmand sprinkling of cacao finished with a woody base. It's the perfect oriental fragrance.

On the opening we get a citrus freshness and a blast of vanilla and sweet almond.

As the blend deepens we get an edge of coconut cream with a warm jasmine and deep spicy hues. The base descends into a rich woody amber with a dusting of powdery musk it's a seductive sultry exotic combination that will certainly get people asking 'what are you are wearing?'

Petits et Maman By Bulgari is giving a clean soft baby powdery musk with the brightness of citrus and a soft subtle vanilla and camomile warmth.

Venus elevates the scent bringing through creamy coconut as well as a warm sweet powdery musk and fresh bright bergamot settling into almond and honey tones and resinous comfort on the dry down.

It is a very nurturing layering combo. It feels safe and cocooning and would be a perfect scent for a mother to wear around her newborn or young child. It's also a lovely gym scent or just fresh out the shower around the house scent as it smells like the perfect skinlike and well put together clean musk, a beautiful understated feminine layering combo.

Pomegranate Musk by Lataffa Ithra Dubai and Sparkling Lychee (Kayali) are the final two fragrances to layer with VENUS resulting in a powerhouse fruity feminine fragrance combo

A fun confident ultra feminine fragrance is what we get here with sweet ripe juicy red fruits, a thirst quenching array of lychee, blackcurrant, pomegranate, cherries and apples which tantalise the senses on the opening with a slightly soapy (scented petals foam bath) feel.

The scent deepens into the heart with a musky powdery violet and floral jasmine with nuances of rose and a hint of warm spice (pink pepper and cinnamon seep through) adding a sensual allure.

This layering combo dries down to a resinous woody amber with hints of sandalwood, Oud and cedar sprinkled with sugar and laced in benzoin and vanilla.

This truly is the most harmonious sweet, fruity resinous powdery musk combination. It has depth and nuance and is impactful yet sincere and full of delicacy in both its immediate and after effect.

Utterly versatile and can be worn across so many occasions from a lunch, to a wedding, from a day out shopping to cocktails in the evening. From visiting a gallery or museum to dinner overlooking the river.

It's a wonderful spring summer combo which I urge you to try! 💖🌸💖

Let us know some of your most loved feminine fragrances or layering inspo in the comments below!

Get ready for the long awaited launch of VENUS this spring. I can't wait to officially unveil her in all her beauty and feminine energy. Stay tuned for all updates and news and in the mean time I hope you enjoy my latest videos!

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